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Tabletop Exercises

Be prepared and enhance your cyber response posture and team decision-making with professionally guided tabletop exercises.

What is Tabletop Exercises?

Tabletop exercises, sometimes abbreviated TTX or TTE, are an informal, discussion-based sessions in which participating teams discuss the roles and responsibilities of each member during an emergency. The atmosphere is exploratory and designed to prepare teams for handling crises, typically involving cybersecurity or disaster recovery.

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Why Your Organization Needs Tabletop Exercises

The modern business environment demands enterprise-level preparedness for data breach incidents. Tabletop exercises are designed to expose weaknesses and identify areas in need of improvement in organizational structures and ensure that protocols and best practices are understood. Though these often exist in theory, they can fall apart in the event of a real-life crisis. Many organizations have gaps in roles or responsibilities’ comprehension or an inability to evaluate incident response effectively.

Simulating a crisis in an informal, non-competitive environment enables teams to understand the importance of collaboration in high-stakes scenarios and offers peace of mind that a crisis can be managed efficiently. If the tabletop exercise doesn’t go as planned, it reveals areas of weakness that you can improve upon.

$2.66 Million

Average breach cost savings at organizations with an Incident Response (IR) team that tested an IR plan versus those with no IR team and had not tested an IR plan.


Of organizations with an IR plan say they don’t regularly test the IR plan while 27% did not have an IR plan.

Source: Ponemon Institute’s The Cost of a Data Breach Report, 2022.

“Triden Group’s level of patience is noteworthy, especially when working with a public agency as we tend to move toward purchases much slower due to strict purchasing procedures. Triden Group feels like a true partner in achieving our security goals.”

– IT Director, Water District

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What We Do

The Triden Group TTX model ensures that you are prepared for any type of incident. Our model consists of assessing your incident response documentation (Incident Response Plan, etc.), building a TTX scenario specific to your environment and/or identified area(s) of concern, conducting a workshop focused on incident response awareness, moderating the TTX, and delivering an executive readout report for your stakeholders. Additionally, our offering provides a fool-proof process for discovering gaps in understanding team members’ roles and responsibilities. We will solve this too. 

We involve the client throughout the entire planning, design, and implementation of TTX for a hyper-tailored experience. Unlike some providers who take a client-agnostic approach, we evaluate your current Incident Response (IR) planning and documentation to reveal gaps or areas for improvement.

Our experts can:

  • Assess your Incident Response (IR) preparedness with a tailored approach.

  • Review and elevate your IR documentation.

  • Conduct educational workshops.

  • Develop scenarios appropriate for your organization’s risks.

  • Conduct technical and/or executive-level tabletop exercises.

  • Evaluate your IR capability.

  • Challenge security teams to communicate IR importance to executive leadership, C-suite, and board of directors.

  • Outline the experience with a presentation or executive summary.

Enhance your cyber response posture and team decision-making with tabletop exercises.